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the four cardinal principles中文是什么意思

用"the four cardinal principles"造句"the four cardinal principles"怎么读"the four cardinal principles" in a sentence


  • 四项基本原则


  • By setting things to rights , we mean developing the productive forces while upholding the four cardinal principles
  • Educating our people in the four cardinal principles will provide a fundamental guarantee for the sound progress of our cause
  • Have especially proposed the four cardinal principles which must be followed in administrative hearing , namely disclose the principle , function and separates the principle , tells the principle , files exclusiveness principle in advance
  • In domestic affairs , i have participated in defining the party ' s basic line , deciding to concentrate on modernization , adopting the policies of reform and opening china to the rest of the world and upholding the four cardinal principles
  • Under the leadership of party committee of a higher level , adhere to the four cardinal principles , carry out the route , policy , policy of the party conscientiously , focus on the central task of economic construction , integrate with practice and do a good job of the material progress and construction of spiritual civilization conscientiously closely
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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